Transpicuous News: March 20 2020, UPDATES

Daily updates on CV News, globally   UK: Coronavirus: Urgent appeal for Brits to work on farms HEALTH: COVID-19 study: blood type O are more resistant, type A are more susceptible to infection USA: Individuals would receive $1,200, couples $2,400 in proposed coronavirus aid package Monaco: Prince Albert of Monaco tests positive for coronavirus, palace says USA: U.S. Orders Up To A…


A bit of Levity, March 20 2020

Your Daily dose of Levity, Silliness, and some positive and helpful bits!!  Pass it on!   Bread Shortage? This is the easiest kind of bread you can make 15 Cast Iron Skillet Bread Recipes So Easy to Make, You'll Always Have a Loaf on Hand   (answers below- no peeking!)  


Transpicuous News: March 18 2020 Video Report

Last night before the UnFuckIt Discussion, I put out a Transpicuous News Report to go along with Tuesday and Wednesdays TN articles: Transpicuous News, March 18 2020 Transpicuous News: Global Update for the past 48 hours     Links for March 18/19 2020: Italy: 99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan…


UnFuckIt Discussion, March 18 2020

Oh the Insanity!! The world around us has gone crazy, but it's up to us to keep the sanity around us within our own personal reality.  Last nights discussion focused on the positive aspects of the craziness is currently sweeping the world- keeping rational and calm is the best way to move forward and actually CHANGE our personal reality and bring stability…


Transpicuous News, March 18 2020

  Global Update for the past 24 hours Trump Invokes Defense Production Act In Coronavirus Response, Deploys FEMA In All Regions Denmark: Hairdressers, tattoo shops, massage parlors, fitness centers, etc. Have to close their business. Norway:  All schools, public venues, shops closed from March 12 Malasia: KL’s main shopping areas deserted as country enters Covid-19 shutdown Australia: Australian doctors issue urgent plea…


Transpicuous News: Global Update for the past 48 hours

Last night I was moved to start creating a timeline of events in the "Global Shutdown" that is occurring. I will continue to watch and list the various highlights of the "Pandemic", and will add some notes from various articles with my thoughts.  I can't promise that this will be a daily article, but I will try to keep up with it…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Feb 19 2020- the lies of history

Oh the Lies we have been told!  Last nights discussion centered around ancient history- specifically looking at the ancient Celts, the story of the Fall of Troy, Joseph of Arimathea, ancient Libraries, and the deliberate bullshit that is being told by "accepted historians" that blatantly ignores all the other evidence.   NOTE: this article may take a while to load due to…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Feb 12 2020

Good morning UnFuckers!  Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion was a fast paced one. Topics: the Coronavirus, politics and political bullshittery, and our need to get rid of political parties and tear down the current corrupt system and figure out something new.... 'cause this system obviously doesn't work!! Lots of interesting links below! d              …