Notice to New Users trying to register

Date Aug 4, 2017
Issue has been solved. User emails are working again.
Thank you for your patience.



Date Aug 1 2017
We are currently having some issues with our server configuration and how it processes emails, images and updates.
New user registration emails are not being sent by the system. This is a deep issue that I cannot correct without access to the root of the server and our provider will not allow that.
Until this is corrected, new User registrations are broken.
If you would like to be part of this community, we ask that you send an email to with NEW USER in the subject.
Please include your full name, preferred screen name (cannot be changed) and email and I will generate the account manually.
Of course, you agree to not be a douche, bonehead or annoying and will respect the other users.

Thank you for your interest in RTS and I hope to have this running smoothly again very soon.
