The UnFuckIt Discussion, Nov 1 2023

I'm BACK!! After an insanely busy couple of weeks in Texas/California/Texas, I'm back in the UK and shows are going ahead at their usual times. This weeks discussion includes rants about politics and the "judicial" system, lol.... and a lot of rolled eyes, and "WTFs". Earlier this week I put out an article with the video from the SoCal Errants Expo in…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 20, 2023

This weeks UnFuckIt Discussion was a really good one.  We talked about the emotional/mental/physical "feelings" that a lot of us are experiencing, and the realities of PTSD.  We tend to think about PTSD in terms of violent events that someone has gone through in their past- specifically VETs and people who've been in horrific accidents or come out of a violent relationship- …


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 13 2023

This week's UnFuckIt Discussion.... better late than never? Sorry darlins! There was some interesting news pieces this week- not the usual stuff! Some ridiculous bullcrap.... but also some interesting  pieces to be aware of and then just sit back and watch how this crazy soap opera actually plays out!  


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 6th 2023

Welcome to the UnFuckIt Discussion, where we talk about the crazy shit that's going on..... ....My main question from last nights show:  What is FEMA for anyway?  'Cause it's certainly not to "rescue" or "help" people, is it? Check out our "BOOKS!" page here on RTS.Earth- lots of amazing books to download for free, and you can purchase copies of my "Health Library" and…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Aug 3 2023

We played another rousing round of "Living in Clown World" last night.  The latest "News" is so full of absolute bullshit and ridiculousness, that I wake up each morning wondering what dystopian acid trip world am I going to watch play out today.  Just about every government around the world seems to be either falling apart, or trying a couple of rounds…