Astrology 2.0: What the Hades is going on now?

Finally, the long awaited return of the Astrology 2.0 Show!! Today, Amina, Jules, Meghan and Dani got together to discuss the current insanity that seems to be sweeping the world. What is this planetary alignment everyone is talking about? and Eclipses? We took a good look at the financial aspect of the planets and political/agenda driven bullshit as well. And all the…


The Mandela Effect, Interview with David Guy Levy

I was invited to be part of a round table discussion last night to talk to the creator and director of the new movie "The Mandela Effect", David Guy Levi.  We only had 20 minutes to talk to David, and tried to fit in as many of our questions as possible, lol.  The interview was hosted by Brian MacFarlane on his youtube…


ARNICA Montana: Homeopathic for emergencies

    From Ann Callaghan:  Dani Arnold-McKenny's asked me to write a bit about Arnica ... so here goes, hope it's helpful. Whatever our avatar is up to, one thing most of us can agree on is that being in this body has not been a cake walk. Lots of us have been experiencing pain in muscles, stiffness and recently, heart issues.…


Deep Immersion, Dani & Ben, Nov 10 2019

  Yesterday I was sitting back chatting with my buddy Ben Grose, shootin' the shit, and as usual, we ended up digging into some interesting subjects. This is an edited recording of our conversation.   Post that I had made on Facebook mentioned by Nick: Electrical arcing in a tree - note that the electricity is passing through the…


Kev Baker Show, with Dani Oct 15 2019

Last night I was on The Kev Baker Show, live streamed, for two hours and oh MAN.... did we ever have a blast!!  The first of definitely many more discussions to come, that I can guarantee, and as soon as we can figure out the schedule, Kev will be on the UnFuckIt discussion as well.


Changes to UnFuckerUnite Membership

Changes to UnFuckersUnite Membership Out with the Old, in with the New …we’re doing things differently this time! I have been ranting about the technology failures that seem to be happening all around us for months .  These continuous problems have plagued the world….and our websites.  Back in the early summer UnFuckersUnite was hit hard with some sort of  attack that caused…


UnFuckIt Discussion Oct 2 2019

We dove into the crazy, the woo woo, and all things in between last night! Aliens, UFOs, quantum computers, missing time, timeloops, mandela effects..... oh yes, it was a very interesting conversation!! Afterwards the Unfuckers hung out and the discussion continued and went deep into the conversation of "legal" vs "lawful", taxation is theft, the "strawman", where money comes from and 2…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 25 2019

Last night's UnFuckIt discussion opened with a geomagnetic review of the insanity we witnessed Sept 24 at just after 2am and we segued into talking about the latest "News" from space, with supermassive black holes binge eating, elevators to the moon, and our position crossing the ecliptic of the Galactic Core.... from there I tried to articulate my thoughts on "time" and…


UnFuckIt Discussion Sept 11 2019

Last night was all about looking back to several interviews from prior to the end of 2012- Bill Brockbraider/wood and Dan Burisch specifically.  This past week has been epic insanity again, and 911 brought it's own unique tech fuckery.... due to that fucker my entire recording of the show was lost!  I've downloaded the copy from the Live Stream... but it is…


Deep Immersion July 17: Jeff Gates, Emily Moyer and Dani

Deep Immersion with Jeff Gates, Emily Moyer and myself.  As usual, when we get this group together, you never know what topics will get tossed onto the table, and last nights discussion definitely didn't disappoint! A great conversation about the "narratives" that people hold onto, and how to break free from the "story lines", quantum consciousness, and of course a big dose…