Astrology 2.0 Shows and Discussions
The site has had an overhaul. John has switched us over to the "Beta test" program now (it had overwhelming support against the "BuddyBoss" template we originally started up with). Please take some time to take a look through, and to play with it as you will. Any comments or suggests are appreciated (please post them as a comment on…
My friends, our own John Carl, who's spent hundreds of hours helping many people with building and running websites, Who is the Wizard responsible for the creation of this website, who Produces my Transpicuous Views show and the UnFuckIt Discussion, and who had spent thousands of hours helping people with Keshe tech stuff, AND has ALWAYS been there to offer technical advice…
It is time for the members to decide which layout they like best. the RTS staff is leaning toward the Beta because of functionality and ease of use, but in the long run, it's the users that need to be happy with the site. So to that end, we are asking for feedback concerning your experiences and preferences with the current software…
Updates on 1- Registration for various parts of the new site: WARNING: all the activation emails are going to people's Spam/Junk folders!! Right now you will have to register/login for various sections of the site independently, ie: rts earth is a separate login/registration, and you have to register/login for the unfuckers section, and again if you wish to list a…