RTS: Who Wrote These Books? … *hint* NOT humans!

  AI Chat bots are now writing books.  And not just any books- they are writing books that could literally KILL people! We're living in a dangerous time my friends.  Most of us know all about the horrors of the education system, the medical system, the political system, the financial system, etc....  We KNOW that "they" are trying to change history continuously,…


America Here I Come!!!

Hi Darlins! I want to let all my American Friends know that I will be in your neck of the woods next month!! I will be in Houston TX the week of Oct 11- 18th, and we will be putting together an UnFuckers/Archaix Meet up in Houston (details to be announced) And I will be in San Diego CA from the 19th…


RTS Health, Herbs & History, Sept 26 with Dr. Cori Stern

Last nights Health, Herbs & History show was absolutely fabulous!  I asked Dr. Cori Stern  and Homeopath Ann Callaghan to join me for our latest discussion. The vast majority of the show revolved around the vital role that nutrition plays in supporting healing and keeping our immune system strong.  We are not "cookie cutter" people, and we are all vastly different in…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 20, 2023

This weeks UnFuckIt Discussion was a really good one.  We talked about the emotional/mental/physical "feelings" that a lot of us are experiencing, and the realities of PTSD.  We tend to think about PTSD in terms of violent events that someone has gone through in their past- specifically VETs and people who've been in horrific accidents or come out of a violent relationship- …


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 13 2023

This week's UnFuckIt Discussion.... better late than never? Sorry darlins! There was some interesting news pieces this week- not the usual stuff! Some ridiculous bullcrap.... but also some interesting  pieces to be aware of and then just sit back and watch how this crazy soap opera actually plays out! https://www.wionews.com/science/scientists-find-that-apollo-17s-left-over-tech-is-moonquakes-on-the-lunar-surface-634900 https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/kim-jong-un-putin-summit-1.6964992 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/canada-pm-trudeau-stranded-india-after-plane-breaks-down https://watcher.guru/news/gary-gensler-says-sec-is-using-ai-to-surveil-for-misconduct https://techxplore.com/news/2023-09-chatbot-self-awareness.amp https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-devised-a-way-to-tell-if-chatgpt-becomes-aware-of-itself  


RTS, Intro to Homeopathy, Episode 3

Welcome to Introduction to Homeopathy, episode 3 On Friday Sept 8th, Ann Callaghan and I had the awesome Mary Aspinwall on the show to talk about the creation of her homeopathic "first aid" kits and to give some insight on their use.  It was a really interesting discussion and I learned quite a few new things!!   Where to buy the kits…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 6th 2023

Welcome to the UnFuckIt Discussion, where we talk about the crazy shit that's going on..... ....My main question from last nights show:  What is FEMA for anyway?  'Cause it's certainly not to "rescue" or "help" people, is it? Check out our "BOOKS!" page here on RTS.Earth- lots of amazing books to download for free, and you can purchase copies of my "Health Library" and…