Into the Woo: Glastonbury & the Isle of Avalon

Today Ann, Amina, Gail and I got together to talk about our experiences at Glastonbury and the Cheddar Gorge.  We dipped into the deep woo woo, looking at the legends, the history, and the experiences and pieces that have come to each of us while visiting the sites and researching for many years.  Why does Glastonbury, the Isle of Avalon, and the…


UnFuckIt Discussion: Feb 5th 2020

In this age of insanity, it's vital that we keep our calm and endeavor to maintain a balance and an ability to observe what's playing out as an observer, without allowing ourselves to get pulled into the "Panic" and "Fear" and running around screaming that the sky is falling.  We opened our discussion last night with a rational look at the Coronavirus-…


Transpicuous Views, Ann & Dani 02/02/2020 No More Fear

Ann Callahan and I had an impromptu chat this morning and decided to release some of it publicly.  We talked about "timing", with the "Coronavirus" and the "Pandemic that won't", and the insanity of this past month.  What are these waves that we are riding?  And we talked about the exhaustion.... and no more fear.  Have the controllers completely lost the plot…


UnFuckIt Discussion: Jan 29 2020

Corona Virus, Kobe Bryant's death, Iran, Trump, the distractions are coming thick and furious so far this year..... welcome to day 597 of January 2020.  Seriously, WTAF?!   In the second half of the discussion I talked about the insanity we experienced in the UK last week..... shit was beyond crazy!!!   This is the video…


Astrology 2.0: Surfing into 2020

What a ride this past few weeks as been!!  The Astrology ladies got together this morning to talk about WTAF was that shit we just went through, lol, and taking a look at what's coming at us for the next year.....  Oh baby I hope you've waxed your surf board!!  I lost all power (black out across the entire island) just 2…


UnFuckIt Discussion Jan 15th 2020

Do you remember what happened last week?  Last month?  Five minutes ago?  If you can't, don't worry, you're not alone!!  Our opening discussion was all about the fact that so many of us are just not able to remember things, are forgetting what we're doing, hell, even forgetting what we were talking about mid sentence!!  Oh the epic insanity: politically, financially, geophysically.....…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Jan 8 2020

Holy shit! What a fuckin first week of the new decade.  I refused to go on a rant last night and did my utmost best to not let my head blow off- no mentioning the "I" or the "T" word, no discussion of politics at all. We had a really amazing conversation last night, about the heaviness of the current energies, the…


UnFuckers Holiday Get Together

Happy HO HO and Merry New Year Everyone!!     As our regular UnFuckIt discussion fell on holidays this year, we decided to get the UnFuckers together last night for a laid back discussion and free for all, lol.  Ben was there to jump us into all sorts of topics, and we dug into a lot of very interesting subjects, from the…


Transpicuous Views with Cynthia Sue Larson: the Quantum Question

Last night on Transpicuous Views I was joined by physicist and author Cynthia Sue Larson, to dig down the rabbit hole of "mandela effects" and to look at the Quantum Questions.  Cynthia brought some brilliant insights to the table last night during our conversation, about the deeper Quantum effects on not just the "micro" as so many experiments focus on, but in…


“The Mandela Effect” Movie discussion with the UnFuckers

  If you haven't seen David guy Levy's newly released "the Mandela Effect" movie, you're definitely missing out on an interesting and thought provoking experience. And if you haven't seen the movie yet, you may not want to watch this video due to massive SPOILER ALERTS!!! This is the after movie discussion the unfuckers had....oh some VERY interesting shit get's pulled out!!…