You are currently viewing Transpicuous News March 29 2020

Transpicuous News March 29 2020


Global COVID 19 updates for March 29 2020


Singapore NULLIFIES man’s passport for violating self-quarantine order amid Covid-19 outbreak

Trump Says “No Quarantine Necessary” For NY, NJ And CT As US Death Toll Tops 2,000: Live Updates

Is The COVID-19 Outbreak A Trojan Horse To Increase Smartphone Surveillance?

USA: Public input requested on environmental assessment for genetically engineered crops on national wildlife refuges in the Southeastern United States

Spanish Princess Becomes the First Royal to Die of Coronavirus Complications

Comet coming towards the Earth caught on camera, and it’s called C19

Belarus’s strongman rejects coronavirus risks. He suggests saunas and vodka.

… You can’t make this shit up:

Thai king self-isolates in Alpine hotel with harem of 20 women amid pandemic

Historic Ireland-China PPE flights lands in Dublin

UK: Coronavirus measures could last for ‘significant period’

India: Modi seeks ‘forgiveness’ from India’s poor over COVID-19 lockdown