The UnFuckIt Discussion, Nov 29 2023

Here is last night's UnFuckIt Discussion, from Wednesday November 29, 2023. So.... the Australian Government has put out an "apology".... not for anything that happened in the past few years, no.  They "apologized for.... Thalidomide.  Yes, earth shattering news out of Australia.  This gives us a basic timeline of when to expect their "apology" for everything they did in the past 3…


Wellness Naturally: Colds & Flus, Nov 25th 2023

On Saturday November 25 2023, Ann Callaghan, Dr Cori Stern, and Dani Arnold officially launched our new show: Wellness Naturally! This episode we discussed a very timely topic: Colds & Flus.  From the "first aid" aspects of dealing with colds and flus, we also discussed HOW to stay WELL, and boost our immune systems to lessen symptoms at the very least, and…


UnFuckers & Archaix: Chat with Jason & Dani

Last Saturday night our UnFuckers members got together with the Archaix TV members to have a pow wow with Jason and I.  We had a brilliant discussion and dug into some very interesting details about this simulation and the history that they'd like us all to "forget".... and of course the sneaky ways that they've tried to change and distract us from…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Nov 8 2023

Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion all began with a not-quite-a-rant by dani. Belief Structures...... oh the belief structures, and how people use them to filter through information: spin doctoring the information to make it fit into their box of beliefs, or tossing it out completely because they can't fit it into their box of beliefs.  Oh..... Oh.... it so makes my brain want…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Nov 1 2023

I'm BACK!! After an insanely busy couple of weeks in Texas/California/Texas, I'm back in the UK and shows are going ahead at their usual times. This weeks discussion includes rants about politics and the "judicial" system, lol.... and a lot of rolled eyes, and "WTFs". Earlier this week I put out an article with the video from the SoCal Errants Expo in…