The UnFuckIt Discussion, Oct 26 2022

Welcome to the planet of insanity!!!  Political and financial bullshittery are definitely at their highest levels, and it seems that the only creepy crawlies that can be found are all in Parliament & Congress, instead of in our gardens.  No bugs on the windshields of our cars, or fertilizing our gardens is a main topic of discussion... and one that should clang…


The UnFuckIt Discussion: Winter is Coming, Oct 12 2022

With the latest news out of the Bank of England, this Friday may be a very interesting day to watch on the "financial" frontlines. The ball of poo called "The Global Financial" that is rolling down the hill, is seriously picking up steam and the ball of shit is picking up everything in it's path and getting bigger and bigger.  Often the…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Oct 4 2022

Well darlins.... it's been quite a week!  Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion took a look at our mental and emotional health- because a LOT of us are struggling right now, and it's not just "depression".  Do we have the answers?  Nope.  But we have each other on this insane journey, and we can share our insights, theories, hypothesizes, and our hopes and dreams,…