UnFuckIt Discussion Nov 7 2018

Oh the discussions last night were epic!  We opened up with the question:  WTF happened on Monday/Tuesday this week, 'cause we are definitely not in Kansas any more, and it feels like we've shifted/flipped/looped/jumped to yet another timeline/reality again.  On the table last night: shifting timelines, pole flips, China's empty cities, geological/climate changes, and several other topics. d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXA6hBotl_s&feature=youtu.be     The…


UnFuckers Movie night: Dune

Last night the UnFuckers got together to watch an extended version of the classic Sci-Fi movie "Dune".  The Author of the "Dune" series of books, Frank Herbert, has created a unique universe with over 10,000 years of back history, politics, religion, prophecies, and economic structure.  This first book/movie looks at the prophecy of the "chosen one"- the usual savior meme, with a…