You are currently viewing UnFuckIt July 12 2017: Deja Vu & the Question of hidden accounts

UnFuckIt July 12 2017: Deja Vu & the Question of hidden accounts

Last nights UnFuckIt  Show was a discussion about the current financial questions with regards to accessing accounts through your ID. I invited several people from in the various groups who are working on this, including Lisa Harrison, Brian Kelly, Heather Tucci Jarraf, Bob Wright, Lisa Shannon, Bill (American Kabuki), and several others.  We discussed not only the background of these accounts, but the various methods and experiences several people have had on their journey to accessing the funds in these long hidden accounts.

As I said last night, these hidden financial “strawman” accounts are just a single piece in a far greater puzzle that we are all currently working through. The Time to DO – and to do whatever it is that is in your heart- is NOW.  This is also the time to set aside “Beliefs” and for people to come together and to unify and move forward- in whatever way, and however they want to do that.  This is also a time when people need to step into a place of taking full responsibilities for themselves and the choices they make.


Figure it out.


… And DO whatever feels right, knowing that you KNOW your shit and you KNOW what you are doing, and KNOW that you are making a fully informed choice.  Then STAND in that place, fully empowered by everything you know in your gut and heart.


love d



Recording of Heather on phone – Recording from Coach dealership 7/10/17 click here

Pay Bills Now Using YOUR Secret Account (1st July 2017) by Harvey Dent from Phite Onn on Vimeo.


Links for further information and research purposes:  This page is continuously being updated.

Heather Tucci Jarraf:

Harvey Dent Intellectual Freedom Movement:

All OPPT filings and information:

This is the email that Sonia sent to me, with regards to her comments at the end of the UnFuckIt discussion:

All US accounts are lsited as ( Bureau of Public Debt or US Treasury).   If you Google US treasury routing number…it will give you this information:

TreasuryDirect’s Routing Number051736158; Your ten-digit TreasuryDirect primary account number, without hyphens, followed by the letter “P” (Example: A123456789P); The amount of your allotment; and. Your TreasuryDirect account can be marked as a type 22 (checking) or 32 (savings).

Therefore, the (letter with number) on the back of your card is what you use…example B12345678  is shown on the back of an card.  To link account for banking, remove the letter B……and use 1234567822 for checking and 1234567832 for savings.  Just that simple!  The bank name will automatically populate as (US Treasury or Bureau of Public Debt)!  




I'm me. It's who I wanna be.