You are currently viewing Transpicuous News, April 21 2021

Transpicuous News, April 21 2021

Oh the insanity of the world!! From the George Floyd case, to the latest Covid ridiculousness in the UK, to YouTube being awarded a “Freedom of Expression” award, you literally cannot make this shit up!! Welcome to the upsidedown!

and for some reason I can’t post this link to the article from VaccineImpact about the menstrual problems and the Covid Vaccine- please remove the spaces between the “.com” and the  /2021 and copy it into your browser window /2021/women-complaining-of-severe-menstrual-disorders-post-covid-injections-even-if-they-did-not-get-the-shots/

List of things equally ludicrous as YouTube being awarded a “freedom of expression” award: