Well the shitshow has reached some interesting levels this week, that’s for sure! We discussed health and the “jab” deaths at the opening of the show, but talked about the newest reactions that we are personally seeing and hearing about…. that are not being discussed in the alt media or the news: neurological damage. Not just people being suddenly diagnosed with new neurological disorders/diseases, like prions diseases, ALS, Parkinsons etc- these conditions are accelerating at unbelievable rates, never seen before. We also talked about disease and pharmaceutical take over of “health” and medical treatment and the fact that this is not a “new” thing. Various books I’ve been reading the the 16th to 19th century talk about how this has been happening for centuries. The new book I bought today highlights the astounding fact that even in the year 1866, the pharmaceutical industry was as corrupt as today. The battle we are currently watching being waged by the pharmaceutical companies and governments is NOT a new one.
To Quote from The Botanic Guide to Health, written in 1866: page 41-42 (bold/underline added by myself for clarity)
“If this, in reality, be the definition of disease, why is it necessary to spin it out into innumerable threads, and cumber it with so many incom- prehensible technicalities ? No just reason can be assigned for such conduct, save that monopoly delights to be clothed in mystery ; , and this spe- cious delusion has usurped the name of science, in order to keep the world in awe, lest the public should obtain a knowledge of the daily imposition that is being practised upon them. In order to keep up a tone of respectability, the [medical]faculty labour to make an impression on the public mind, to the effect that their system is based on science, and contains all the ingredients of reason that the mind can employ. Science, when pure, is the evidence of truth, based on a knowledge of the laws of nature ; in which form it is beginning
” To spread its lucid ray
O’er lands that long in darkness lay”….Almost every disease to which it is said we are subject has furnished a theme on which volumes have been written ; the- ories have thus been ushered into existence, strange names and unintelligible technicalities have been invented, and the veil of mystery has been drawn closer ; to these circumstances we are indebted for pathology being so faintly compre- hended and so little understood. …
… In a late number of the British and Foreign Medical Review, we find the following admission ” The intermittent nature of dis- ease must certainly be better understood before we can practice medicine scientifically ;” and in the London Medical Repository, vol. ii. page 97, we find the following candid, and yet, to the afflicted, appalling acknowledgment : — ” After an interval of two thousand years, from the establishment by Hippocrates, of what may be rea- sonably denominated medical science, to this time, it is remarkable that a sufficient number of data, or facts have not been recorded for laying the foundation of a full and convincing theory of disease, as far as respects its cause and cure. If whatever can be assumed to be rational medical theory must be founded on a series of actual facts, and not on gratuitous data — and if there is indi- vidually a paucity of such facts — any plan which tends to remove this difficulty, by whomsoever projected, or by whatever medium given to the public, deserves, and will receive, a countenance and an approval proportionate to its merits.”
Page 46-48
“There must be a cause assigned 1 for this want of proficiency on the part of the [medical] faculty. The truth may be gleaned from the assertion of Dr. Hush, who affirms that (speaking of the faculty), ” our want of success is owing to the want of fitting remedy.” In order to illus- trate this fact, we have in our lectures introduced an Indian coming from his native woods, an entire stranger to all the peculiarities of civilised life. We have supposed him to have visited our large towns and cities, in order to acquire infor- mation on various subjects. We have led him to the establishments where drugs are prepared, and medicines compounded; have described to him the number and nature of the remedies provided for the afflicted. What would be his reflections, having previously learned in his own country that medicine was meant to cure ? ” Surely,” he would exclaim, “there is no sickness in this highly favoured land ! People here must die only from old age.” But how shall we portray his astonish- ment when he learns that three-fourths of our medical compounds are poisonous, that they hold a deadly enmity with life ; that, when admin- istered to the hale and strong they produce death — in some cases instantly, and in others more slowly? He would at once assume that our igno- rance was not only unaccountable, but extreme. ” How can it be possible for this people to cure the sick, or remove disease, by the application , of agents that not only induce sickness, but produce death ? How can they expect to cure, by admi- nistering that which is known to kill ? By what law in nature can they preserve life, while tra- velling in the path that leads to death ? I have heard (continues the unsophisticated child of na- ture), that one of your renowned physicians, Dr. Rush, has said that the reason you fail to cure diseases, is the want of efficacy in the remedies but I infer, from the nature of your medicines, that the reason why so many of your people die in their youth, is because you assist disease, instead of assisting nature in the performance of her cures. No wonder your pale-faced friends fall around you — no wonder that so many chil- dren are left parentless ; the only wonder is, how so many escaped the grave, when every street contains a storehouse for poison, and the learned men of the age distribute it amongst the people, who, while confiding in the skill of the doctors, are thus devoted to destruction ! “
While the sentence structure might be a bit strange to us now, the actual story, the information given in this book could have been written about the medical industry today. I am embedding a pdf copy of this book at the end of the article for anyone to read at their leisure. I’ve only had the time to read the first 60 pages or so, but it’s been very illuminating so far!
The book I just bought today that I mentioned during the Discussion: A Botanic Guide to Health and the Natural Pathology of Disease – 1866 (full pdf copy below)