700 MEDICINAL USES OF CANNABIS- studies, papers & references

  Let's make this VERY Clear: Cannabis Heals. 700 MEDICINAL USES OF CANNABIS SORTED BY DISEASE   A collection of clinical studies, papers and reference providing the ultimate resource for medical disorders helped by medical marijuana. ADD/ ADHD Marijuana and ADD Therapeutic uses of Medical Marijuana in the treatment of ADD http://www.onlinepot.org/medical/add&mmj.htm Cannabis as a medical treatment for attention deficit disorder -…


Quintessentially Whole: The Cannabis Connection

This episode of Quintessentially Whole was unfortunately wiped out when our servers at RTS Earth imploded in December and we lost 4 months of articles, shows and back up.  I've just re-uploaded this episode QW, with Ann Callaghan and I sitting down with Dawn Hart to discuss the Endocannabinoid system, cannabis and how our health could very well depend on this vital…


Transpicuous News Jan 24 2018: Legalized Marijuana-Comprehending the Agendas

A New bill has been submitted in Colorado, which clearly outlines the next step in the "Legalize Cannabis" agenda that is currently moving it's way across the world.  Comprehending the agendas behind the push to legalize pot, is the first step in side stepping around it and being aware that not all marijuana is the same. d     https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb18-029 http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.com.mt/2013/12/monsanto-marijuana-initiative-grows-in.html http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.com.mt/2015/04/transpicuous-news-special-report-gmo.html…


How to sell Cancer & Cancer Drugs and Destroy the Cancer Cure

I have been following this very closely and warning the public that this was coming for years now.  The official GMO take over of the Cannabis industry, making medicinal marijuana into nothing more than a placebo at best, and toxic at the worst. Bayer is buying Monsanto. So now the super mega corporation can sell you cancer, sell you the drugs for…