The UnFuckIt Discussion, May 22 2024

Well there are only two main topics in this weeks discussion, and if you watch The Joe Rogan Experience, you know exactly which two I'm talking about!! This week Rogan put out two pod casts- the first one with Rizwan Virk, a computer/game programmer and author talking about Simulation Theory, and the next day a pod cast with Terrence Howard, who basically…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, May 15 2024

Here is last nights UnFuckIt Discussion, May 15th 2024.  We opened the show with a discussion about the crazy solar events that have been blasting us for the past week, and what's happening now.  And of course we had to talk about King Charles new portrait, lol.  .... so so so much insanity going on! All the links from our discussion are…


The UnFuckIt Discussion May 8 2024

Last nights UnFuckIt Discussion opened with me giving a Solar report: We've had 3 X Class solar flares and multiple high level M Class flares in the past 24 hours.  We're expecting 2 CMEs from two of the solar flares to go past Earth on Friday, and there was a solar filament that ripped off this afternoon that has sent a third…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, April 24 2024

Well this week has certainly had some interesting shit going on!!  From the kings guard horses running wild through the downtown streets of London, to Tucker Carleson on Joe Rogan, to some very weird push towards religion building up in a way that's.... highly questionable.   Yea..... seems we're not in Kansas any more Toto!!    


The UnFuckIt Discussion, April 3 2024

   Here is our UnFuckIt Discussion from this week.  Sorry for the delay, serious computer issues!! This is the video that we watched that started the discussion this week:    


The UnFuckIt Discussion, March 27 2024

Well darlins....  what about that bridge eh?  Isn't it interesting that suddenly, no one is talking about the terrorist attack in Moscow, or the fact that Israel just told the world to fuck off and that they'll blow up whoever they want, or that P Diddy had his very own Epstein Island and was into human trafficking on a large scale.... isn't…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, March 20 2024

Our UnFuckIt Discussion from Wednesday March 20, 2024 Sorry darlins for the delay in getting this weeks UnFuckIt Discussion published .... but I've had catastrophic computer issues for the past 3 days. Since the Ddos attacks on RTS.Earth and, my computer has had major issues. I've run 7 different virus/malware scanners, and they haven't found anything.... but my computer is DEFINITELY…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, March 13 2024

Here is this weeks UnFuckIt Discussion from March 13th 2024 As I noted earlier in the week, and are both being constantly bombarded with Ddos Attacks.  I've migrated to a new server and the attacks have continued over there now..... I"m doing what I can to try and keep the site safe, but seriously, this shit is exhausting. D…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, March 6th 2024

This weeks UnFuckIt Discussion, from Wednesday March 6th 2024 "As the stomach turns"..... it's like a really really bad soap opera.  Reality that is.  Except that if anyone had the gumption to write a screen play that was this bad... no one would accept it to be made into a show or a movie.  I mean.... just look at the leading characters! …