UnFuckIt Discussion March 15 2021

Welcome to the 2021 edition of The Hunger Games!!!! Where "fiction" is Reality, and the brainwashed think it's just "entertainment". The latest CovidBullshittery, the latest countries to suspend the AstraZenica "vaccine", the latest insanity being pushed by the media to distract the people from the fact that they have entered the reality of fascist dictatorship. May the odds be ever in your…


UnFuckIt Eurasian Edition Feb 22 2021

Yesterday was our Eurasian Edition of the UnFuckIt discussion, that is recorded in the morning so that our UnFuckers from Australia and Asia can jump in once a month to join the conversation.  My internet was shockingly bad at the beginning, but we managed to stay on for most of the call! Here is the link to the RTS Earth Telegram chat…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Feb 16 2021

We're a day later than usual for the UnfuckIt discussion, due to a serious lack of internet yesterday. No discussion of bras or crypto today, just a ranting trip down the "WTF is going on around the world at the moment"  highway.  So pull a pair of nylon pantyhose over your head, make sure you're carefully social distancing, and sit back and…


UnFuckIt Discussion Feb 9 2021

As proof that we'll discuss any topic, the pre show opens with a conversation about bras and corsets, lol!!! Then onto the latest in Crypto news, then what the actual fuck is going on in the whitehouse? and so on and so forth.... Unfortunately we lost our internet completely for the second half of the discussion, but Monty did an awesome job…


UnFuckIt Discussion: When the Banks Break, Feb 1 2021

Well, this could be the week that breaks the proverbial camel's back for the banks.  WallStreetBets, Shorts, Hedge funds losing billions, and now the target is physical Silver.... JPMorgan should be shaking in their boots!  XRP/Ripple rumors of a major pump scheme that may be coming right out of the Big Banks asses..... oh yes, it's gearing up to be a very…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Jan 11, 2021

With all the insanity in the past week, we definitely had no lack of topics to discuss.  Covid19 latest bullshitery, the window of "Time outside of Time" from the Solstice to January, Global Lockdowns, and political upheaval... and a very humorous discussion about swearing in different countries! Later this week we will have a special UnFuckIt discussion to take a look at…


UnFuckIt Discussion, December 28 2020

I'm insane, he's insane, she's insane, we're insane, they're insane..... it's all just insane!!!!  Lockdowns, tests that don't work, va'cines that cause infertility (and gods know what else!!), media censoring world leaders, media lying about censoring, economic collapse, .... reality as we know it, has completely gone sideways. PS: Sorry guys!  Apparently Youtube has just "age restricted" my channel and now you…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Dec 14, 2020

Great, fast moving discussion that went all over the place today!  From discussing the wild Mandela Effect that showed up right after the Astrology 2.0 show on Saturday, to the latest COVID bullshittery and vaccine insanity, to the silence of the media on anything that might go against their (bought and paid for) narrative, to the entertainment industry, to the laughs over…