One Year to Flatten Life as we Knew it

The following is one of the most coherent articles that's been written about the current "Lockdown" in the UK.  While I may not agree with the religious aspects hinted at in the article, I felt that the overall information given, especially the supporting information links, are important to be saved and reviewed and bookmarked. It's worth noting that this article was published…


UnFuckIt Discussion March 15 2021

Welcome to the 2021 edition of The Hunger Games!!!! Where "fiction" is Reality, and the brainwashed think it's just "entertainment". The latest CovidBullshittery, the latest countries to suspend the AstraZenica "vaccine", the latest insanity being pushed by the media to distract the people from the fact that they have entered the reality of fascist dictatorship. May the odds be ever in your…


Special update from Dani

This is the End.....  YouTube deleted my Transpicuous News Report that I put out just a few hours ago, and are threatening to ban me for "medical misinformation".  My apologies to all of you awesome subscribers and regular viewers here on YouTube, who've followed my work for years, but this is the last straw. I'm moving over to BrandNewTube, Bitchute, and Odysee,…


Transpicuous News Feb 26 2021

Transpicuous News Feb 26 2021 Transparency at it's finest!!  Wouldn't it be nice to be a "corporation", to be able to rule the world, and "launder" your money with some crayon scribbles? Edited 4 hours later to add that YouTube has removed my report and threatened to "ban" me for "medical misinformation".  My Videos are also going up on Brand New Tube-…


Transpicuous News Feb 24 2021

Transpicuous News, Feb 24 2021 Welcome to upsidedown world!  The media (and governments) are making the hypocrisy and the blatant mind control programming that is being continuously blasted at the general public completely transparent.  They aren't even trying to hide it any more.  Is this an indication of just how programmed and indoctrinated the average person is, that they can come right…


UnFuckIt Discussion … Welcome to 2021, ugh

What can I say about this so called "new" year?   Rinse & Repeat?  But now the usual insanity is pumped up on steroids and psychoactive drugs and strung out on a constant diet of lies and bullshit..... and that's just the politicians and the media!!!! Seriously....what reality is this? ....and yep, it seems that my channel is now officially been labeled :…


Emily Moyer’s Strange Mosaic, with dani arnold

Earlier this week I was invited to join Emily Moyer on her show Strange Mosiac.  We opened the conversation with discussing the Vatican's Nativity scene for 2020, which is one of the strangest things I've ever seen! (Image below), and then we were off down the rabbit hole of "disclosure" and the current insanity that is playing out in this reality. The…


Just a little Jab, Dec 14 2020

UK trial to mix and match Covid vaccines to try to improve potency Pilot planned for January will give subjects a shot of both Oxford/AstraZeneca and Pfizer/BioNTech versions What could possibly go wrong? FDA publishes first peer-reviewed report on Pfizer trial as Britain rolls out COVID vaccine Six people died in Pfizer’s late-stage trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, the US Food…


Astrology 2.0: The Great Reject

A note about this discussion yesterday:  At the end of the show, we had a major mandela effect jump out at us.  It bowled us over so much that we will be doing a round table discussion on it in the very near future!!          


The Jab: Day two of mass vaccination

Yet another "COVID" Vaccines that is proving that the vaccine will make you sick, will shed live virus particulates, and can infect others!!!! If you weren't into "social distancing" and extreme sanitizing.... you may want to start now, as we are surrounded by "Typhoid Mary" muggles that will be walking around with their freshly vaccinated bodies, shedding frankinvirus particles into the general…