Notice to New Users trying to register

Date Aug 4, 2017 Issue has been solved. User emails are working again. Thank you for your patience.     Date Aug 1 2017 We are currently having some issues with our server configuration and how it processes emails, images and updates. New user registration emails are not being sent by the system. This is a deep issue that I cannot correct…


RTS Mall is almost ready to accept vendors

The shopping area of RTS.EARTH has been beta tested and we have found some issues that we are simply not going to deal with. So, we have formulated a new plan. We have space and resources to host a ton of shops and to make that much easier on all of us, we have decided to set it up as separate installations…


New Feature

Hey there RTS folks.... We now have a new feature in our community... We have a wall with all of the site's activity in one place. It's a cool wall with space to add graffiti, rants, accolades or whatever else you may feel the need to share. You can find this wall by heading over to your account menu at the top…


Decision time…

It is time for the members to decide which layout they like best. the RTS staff is leaning toward the Beta because of functionality and ease of use, but in the long run, it's the users that need to be happy with the site. So to that end, we are asking for feedback concerning your experiences and preferences with the current software…