You are currently viewing Wellness Naturally: Colds & Flus, Nov 25th 2023

Wellness Naturally: Colds & Flus, Nov 25th 2023

On Saturday November 25 2023, Ann Callaghan, Dr Cori Stern, and Dani Arnold officially launched our new show:

Wellness Naturally!

This episode we discussed a very timely topic: Colds & Flus. 

From the “first aid” aspects of dealing with colds and flus, we also discussed HOW to stay WELL, and boost our immune systems to lessen symptoms at the very least, and perhaps for go getting sick at all.


Dr Cori Stern’s Website:



Ann Callaghan’s website:

Dani Arnold’s website:


Ann’s Review:

Rest, Rest, Rest. Our body is perfectly capable of healing simple colds and mild flu by itself providing we give it all the help it needs by way of rest, nutrition and simple remedies.

Often a cold happens when we need to take time out. Don’t push yourself to stay on your feet when what you need is a break from being busy. Consistently ignoring how you feel and taking medication so that you can keep working could eventually lead to a more serious condition.

Homeopathic remedies work best when the person’s symptoms match the symptoms the remedy produced while it was being proved. To learn more about this watch  our Intro to Homeopathy episode 2 video

Here are some general recommendations for homeopathic remedies for colds and flu, if they
match your symptoms they could help, otherwise seek the advice of a qualified homeopath.
The first three typify remedies for a cold or flu that comes on slowly

  • Gelsemium : a typical flu, person is apathetic, heavy, lethargic, chilly. Body aches all over. Back
    aches from base of spine all the way up to the head. Headache from the back of the head all the
    way round to the forehead. No thirst. Feels better for urination, feels worse for physical exertion.
  • Bryonia : similar to Gelsemium but Bryonia is cranky, wants to be left alone, doesn’t want to talk
    because even the slightest movement makes the pain worse. Just wants to lie still. They have a
    dry mouth and are thirsty so will drink a big glass of liquid in one go so as to minimise movement.
    Dry cough, must hold the chest while coughing as the movement hurts.
  • Eupatorium Perfoliatum : a flu with aching all over especially in the bones. The person is restless
    and can’t find a comfortable position. Can be a gastric flu. Big thirst for cold drinks.

These two typify remedies for conditions that come on quickly.

  • Aconite : a fever that comes on suddenly after being out in a cold dry wind, being shocked or
    chilled. Pains come on suddenly at night around midnight. Person is very anxious, fearful,
    agitated. Bursting, throbbing headache that comes on suddenly. Aconite works best if given
    immediately the pains come on.
  • Belladonna : high fever that centres in the head. Person is delirious with the fever. Intense
    throbbing pains. Wants to lie in the dark. Can come on after getting the head wet or a haircut.
    Potency and Dosage: Get a 30c strength and take 1 pill every 15 mins for 3 doses. Wait and see
    how you feel. If pains subside, only repeat the dose if the pains start coming back. If nothing
    happens after 3 doses look at taking a different remedy.

Homeopathy Resources :
For more information about the basics of homeopathy see (link to videos we did on homeopathy) Learn how to treat common ailments successfully by joining Mary’s Homeopathy Study Group on FB.

If you have a long standing health condition see a professional homeopath. You can search for the
register of homeopaths in your area. The most recognised qualification in UK and US is RSHom


Cori’s Review:

Most important immune considerations!

  • 1- Restful sleep
  • 2- Clean nutrient dense diet
  • 3- Handling stress so it doesn’t make you sick
  • 4- Reduce your exposure to toxins (they weaken your immune system)
  • 5- Correcting nutritional deficiencies that impact the immune system

Zinc ((make sure to take a zinc/copper complex) Vitamin C (make sure it’s the WHOLE complex) Vitamin D Calcium in the form of calcium lactate- helps the body not to need fevers.  Also if you do have a fever, try taking a fever bath or inducing sweating with a hot mustard powder foot bath.



Dani’s Review:

Elderflower is commonly used to for colds and flu especially for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. elderberry is also an exceptional ally during colds, the flu, and respiratory infections due to its immune stimulant and antiviral actions. Elderberry tincture or syrup isa go-to herb at the very initial signs of a cold or the flu. The antiviral components of elderberry (not “vit C”) have been scientifically proven to work better than Tamiflu and Amantadine for flu.

Thousands of studies have been done on garlic and its primary constituent of scientific interest, allicin, and its effects on the cardiovascular system, infections, the respiratory system, cancer, blood sugar, and more. Garlic is an immune stimulant, diaphoretic, expectorant, and antimicrobial. Raw cloves can ease some of the discomforts of a cold through its anti-inflammatory action, as well as shorten its duration by stimulating the immune system, and thinning mucus- making it easier to get rid of it. The best method of using garlic for health is to chop or crush garlic and let it sit and oxidize for 3-5 minutes before taking it internally.

Ginger has a range of medicinal properties for digestion, circulation, and as a general anti-inflammatory. Herbalists use ginger’s antimicrobial activity and ability to thin mucus to help the body progress through a cold or the flu. Fresh-pressed ginger juice diluted in water or a tea made with fresh ginger is ideal for this use. Ginger stimulates the immune system to fight both bacterial and viral infections

Thyme is Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-parasitic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, and expectorant. Thyme is frequently used to aid the respiratory and digestive system, and is a go-to herb for breathing difficulties. Thyme acts as a bronchodilator and as an anti-inflammatory agent and is used to address asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia, and the common cold, and works well to open the sinuses to help clear congestion.

Pepermint is a vastly researched herbal analgesic, anti-congestant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antitussive, antiviral, and carminative, and is traditionally used for fevers, cold and flus. Inhalation of the volatile oils, including menthol, in peppermint oil or tea helps ease nasal congestion. Peppermint can be employed to ease many other digestive disorders, from nausea, gas and bloating to intestinal cramps and diarrhea.

Mullein is the “Lung plant” and before antibiotics, it was a go-to herbal remedy for: Pneumonia. Tuberculosis. Whooping cough, Allergies. Sore throat. Tonsillitis. Mullein is an expectorant, a substance that thins mucus (phlegm) and makes it easier to cough up, and has the ability to coat mucous membranes and reduce inflammation. Mullein has antiseptic qualities, meaning it prevents the growth of disease-causing germs and has antiviral properties, too, and may even slow the influenza virus.