You are currently viewing UnFuckIt Discussion: January 10th 2018

UnFuckIt Discussion: January 10th 2018

*forewarning: I was in a bit of an agitated and slightly grumpy mood after a grumpy agitated day*

We got together last night for the first UnFuckIt discussion of the year and I opened up the show with the news that a Turkish scientist has claimed that Noah had a cell phone and that the Ark was made of steel plates and nuclear powered.  This rambling discussion ranged through a multitude of topics including the “renewed” search for Malaysian flight MH370 which disappeared in March 2015 (opps! had my dates wrong in the discussion), the physical changes we seem to be seeing in our bodies ala the WTF Effect, Mandela Effects, and I had a good ol’ rant about people needing to take responsibility for their NOW and stop focusing on some amorphous future. …. I did warn everyone that I was in a bit of a mood!

Links mention during the discussion:


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I'm me. It's who I wanna be.