The UnFuckIt Discussion, June 19 2024

"Does the outside temperatures just not feel right to you?  Does the weatherman say it's "Hot" yet you don't feel hot?  That's because of ...... CLIMATE CHANGE!!  Yes, there's so much CO2 in the air that you no longer know what you're feeling!  So instead of relying on your own self to tell you how you feel.... listen to us, and WE'LL…


Wellness Naturally: your brain

In this episode of Wellness Naturally, we talked about BRAINS…but not zombies! Brain health is a vital piece of our over all well being and is probably one of the areas of “health” that people know the least about. In this episode we talked about what our brain is made of, what it does, and how it interacts with our entire body.…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, June 5th 2024

Well.... it's certainly getting transparent out there, isn't it?   The political and financial bullshit *cough*cough*dictatorship*cough*cough has never been more exposed to the general public than it is right now.  Seriously. Anyone who can't see this shit by now, is too stupid to be allowed to vote..... in any election.