Astrology 2.0: Oh Shift!

On Sunday we sat down with our awesome astrology ladies: Amina, Jules & Meghan- to dig into what the hell is going on!!!  'Cause... oh Shift!  Shift is getting real!!    


Wellness Naturally: Your Guts, Part II

Ann Callaghan, Dr. Cori Stern and Dani McKenny continue the discussion about "Your Guts".  This is part two of the series, and we discussed several different common digestive problems, and focused on preventative steps we can take, and remedies for various "gut" issues, and how to maintain good gut health! This is the public section of our discussion, the Q&A session is…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, April 24 2024

Well this week has certainly had some interesting shit going on!!  From the kings guard horses running wild through the downtown streets of London, to Tucker Carleson on Joe Rogan, to some very weird push towards religion building up in a way that's.... highly questionable.   Yea..... seems we're not in Kansas any more Toto!!    


The UnFuckIt Discussion, April 3 2024

   Here is our UnFuckIt Discussion from this week.  Sorry for the delay, serious computer issues!! This is the video that we watched that started the discussion this week: