You are currently viewing A bit of Levity, March 20 2020

A bit of Levity, March 20 2020

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Your Daily dose of Levity, Silliness, and some positive and helpful bits!!  Pass it on!


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Image may contain: possible text that says 'at 4:43 AM Waiting for new Aussie slang to be born in the next few months. Early guesses: Sanny hand sanitiser In iso self isolation lockdown the Rona self explanatory Magpie supermarket hoarder In a sentence: Me boss tested pozzi for the rona so now I'm in iso. Popped down to woolies for some sanny but it's been bloody magpie'd.'

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Wanna know something weird What Know the movie tangled Yes Her mom keeps her quarantined right Yea? Google the name of the kingdom in tangled'

Image may contain: possible text that says 'We all owe 2019 an apology for what we said about it.'

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Have we tried throwing a billionaire into a volcano to appease the virus?'

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Image may contain: possible text that says 'C' C'mon, do AN ALIEN INVASION CORONA IS BORING'


Image may contain: 1 person, text and outdoor

Image may contain: possible text that says 'WW3 never happened and Australia finally has stopped burning CORONA VIRUS'

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Conner Habib @ConnerHabib Whatever happens from here on out, do not wish for or imagine a return to the way things were. That's a trap. Demand that we emerge into a better world. Demand the end of every oppressive social condition, every structure, that set the stage for this crisis. Start today.'

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'TIME TRAVELLER: WHAT YEAR IS IT? ME: 2020 TIME TRAVELLER: BEFORE OR AFTER THE GREAT TOILET PAPER WAR? ME: The WHAT'

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Image may contain: meme, possible text that says 'When you find out your normal daily lifestyle is called "quarantine"'

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Image may contain: one or more people and meme, possible text that says 'PERCEPTION OF HOMESCHOOL MOMS LAST WEEK PERCEPTION OF HOMESCHOOL MOMS NOW'

Image may contain: possible text that says 'LIVE BREAKING NEWS Women age 30-59 are most likely to carry CORONAVIRUS without symptoms! Best course of action is to quarantine them away from men and children! The local spas and wineries are the designated local quarantine centers. SEND WOMEN IMMEDIATELY! No contact for 14 days while they live in misery.'

Image may contain: food, possible text that says 'I washed my hands so often due to the Coronavirus that I found cheat notes from a test I took in 1980'

Bread Shortage? This is the easiest kind of bread you can make

Bread Shortage? This is the easiest kind of bread you can make

Image may contain: possible text that says 'If you've been out panic buying, here's what to do. Take it back, with the receipt, go straight to customer services and say 'I wonder if you can help me. I've been an absolute fucking prick. I bought all this stuff don't need and I'd like to return it. Could you also add me to the Wall of Shame entitled 'Panic Buying Fucktardian Cockwombles' and also announce my name over the tannoy explaining to my whole community what a fucking tool I am? Cheers!' Then home and have a quiet word with yourself.'

15 Cast Iron Skillet Bread Recipes So Easy to Make, You’ll Always Have a Loaf on Hand



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Image may contain: possible text that says 'And, just like that, no one ever asked a Stay-at- Home mom mom what she does all day ever again.'

Image may contain: meme, possible text that says 'Sometimes you just need to see a picture of an otter showing you her new baby.'

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(answers below- no peeking!)

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Image may contain: possible text that says 'Did anyone check with the Simpsons to see how long this thing lasted?'

Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'Gallifreyan Jedi @JediofGallifrey. 33m Give everyone $10k right fucking now. It will save lives and homes, and rich people won't even feel it. Consider pitchfork insurance. L785 329 Gallifreyan Jedi @JediofGallifrey It'll cost 3 trillion, which is the same amount you just casually set on fire over 3 days to give the market crash a few 15 minute breaks so wealthy investors could liquidate. Pony up fuckers. 7:25 PM 3/16/20 Twitter for Android'

Image may contain: possible text that says 'When you invade Earth, but you have to spend two weeks in quarantine!'

Image may contain: possible text that says 'To go to the grocery store they said a mask and gloves were enough....the lied..... ied.....everybody else had clothes on!'